Featured Best Sellers

Three S Spring Tonic

Teething product image

All Organic All Ages Teething Oil

Birch bark media

CLEAN Birch Bark Tooth Powder

Violet salve image

Moisturizing Healing Skin Salve

Why You’ll Love Us

Why whole plant medicine? If you have been feeling unsatisfied with modern pharmaceutical “medicines” and personal care products, there is a reason! Our bodies are designed to take in WHOLE plants through all the senses and organs, and use them to treat illness, maintain healthy balance, and prevent dis-ease. If you listen closely, your body can tell you this.

We all use plant medicine every day. From the after-meal peppermint, to the sleepy-time tea, to rose water face mist, and iced peach tea (yes, peach leaves and fruit are actually cooling!) Our kitchens are filled with herbs and spices that not only taste delicious, but are also healing and are used intuitively daily. Antibacterial oregano, immune-boosting rosemary, and many of our kitchen herbs help with the digestion of the nourishing foods we cook. There is a reason a home cooked meal does such wonders.

Raven Wilds products are 100% edible, and most are safe for any age. These products follow tried and true methods of folk medicine making.